Thassiana met Jesus today
From Janine's Blog
July 25

When I got the news I cried. I laid on my bed and sobbed. I screamed why? God why? I know He has a purpose for her life, for her suffering and for her death, but those of us who were close to her will always wonder why. She was a perfect child, smarter than most, and with an amazing spirit. She was super active and playful, loved to tell jokes and play games, in fact that's what she did until a few days before she went into a coma. She had plans to get her driver's license and go to college, she wanted to be a veterinarian. She was the life of the party and a born leader, one of those girls that everyone follows around and who tells the others what to do. When she was 11 she was diagnosed with cancer, she was operated and treated then, and was cancer free for 2 years after that. At age 13, exactly 2 years ago, the tumors came back.

The life expectation for someone with recurring maduloblastoma is 6 months, but not for Thassi, she lived two years defying all odds and what the doctors had to say. She was a fighter, loved life like no one else. For the last two years she did not mind the fact that she didn't look her best. She was swollen from her medication, lost her hair and had many scars all over her little body and yet would not miss an opportunity to go out, and always in style. Her shoes, clothes, earrings and hat all had to match, and she would not leave the house without her lip-gloss. She suffered; she endured massive amounts of pain, medication, surgeries, not to mention the emotional pain. She went through so much and yet without complaining. She was a life example to many of us. I know her suffering is over, I know she is with Jesus now and her body is perfect again, just as it was in her mom's womb. For us who are left, remain the memories, the smiles, and the hope that we'll see her again someday.
I leave you with my favorite pictures of her, because this is how I want to remember her, always smiling.
I appreciate prayers for my family at this time.
Thanks for being a part of our journey

Dearest Janine,
My prayers are for you and your family. My God comfort you. I know Thassi is at peace with Jesus. I praise God that you have been released from the burden of worrying for Thassi's physical strength and that you now have the comfort of knowing she is with God.
With Love,
Tears come to my eyes as I see this post, as I look at her pictures again. The thought of never seeing her again, it breaks my heart. Thanks for praying for me, for my family, and for posting it here in your blog so that other people can pray as well.
What an amazing testimony Thassi had. I know that it needs to continue to be told.
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