(from Guest Blogger, Gina)
Today I am praising God for being El Shaddai, The All Sufficient One. I have been fighting spiritual war in my life for several years, and it's been especially tough in the last 5 months or so, as I've left behind a lifestyle of sin, and said good-bye to loved ones to re-commit my life to Jesus. However, as all who have surrendered know, it's not the easiest thing to do. In fact, sometimes I feel overwhelmed with spiritual attack as I am tempted to contact people I shouldn't and go places I know will drag me down.
Yesterday during one of these "moments", I tripped and fell. I didn't go all the way down, but it hurt my heart, and definitely set me back in the grieving process. Anxiety arose.. you know, the kind you feel when you take your eyes off Jesus.
As a result of my tripping, I had a rough night lastnight and ended up crying myself to sleep in despair.. in total sadness and grief of a loss.. a sacrifice. This morning as I read my devotional, how fitting it was for God to show up with just the right story and words to sanitize my wounds. The study spoke of the Exodus.. the Israelites journey out of slavery to the Promised Land. In the reading, I was reminded of God's desire for me to respond to my circumstances and temptations with HIS knowledge rather than simply reacting in my flesh.
First, the Galatians 5:16-17 were quoted in the text which say that as Christians we can no longer do what we want to do.. instead, we must choose to "walk by the Spirit". I read a piece of the Exodus story again, as outlined in the devotional, and was reminded of how He brought them ( and me) out from under the burdens of "Egypt"... how He redeemed them (and me) with an outstretched arm.. how He provided their (and my) redemption from "Egypt" through the blood of the Lamb (passover for them, Jesus for me)... how He drowned their ( and my) enemies in the "Red Sea"... and how He delivered them (and me) overall.
What a striking parallel to what I am faced with in my own life as He leads me away from my own "Egypt"! And how thankful I am to God for meeting me where I was at,,, for assuring me that He is right here to protect me.. that when I am tempted (and like yesterday when I gave in to a portion of the temptation), that He is holding my hand and right here to keep me from going all the way down.

As He is a God that cannot lie, I know He will never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).I praise Him for being my All Sufficient God.
Gina, you are amazing, I am so proud of you and how far you've come in your spiritual walk. What a great testimony your are. I feel privileged to be serving alongside you.
Love ya
I am with Janine. I am proud of you and proud to KNOW you. Your surrender to God is inspiring to me. You have had great courage. I am praising God for YOU this evening!
Your vunerablity amazes me... and God is so ready to use it. We all have our "Exodus" and I think you are one of the bravest people I know for stepping up to yours and leaving it. I know that God's strength has given you the power to get this far... and He has plenty more where that came from!
I love you girls. Thankyou for being here for me. What better 3 to serve with overseas.. can't wait!!
Enjoying 40 days of praise and hoping you will continue with such...as our love is on-going for God and so shall our
praise be too.
NC native w/reading interest, but not blogging.
You know the true love of God: that He is there, ready to pull us up when we stumble, ever watchful and ever caring, you are finding the most healing and freeing heart of God - He loves us no matter what. I just have a picture of you as His sweet little lamb, and He is standing over, watching over you, bending down to grab you in His arms.
Hey there. It is Steve Sporre from "Following God's Will"... I am really REALLY not trying to spam ya but I thought I would let all of my blog friends know that my full length 11 song album is finally here!! I am really excited about it and want to thank all of you for your prayers. Get More info at my Blog... again I am sorry for the "Spam" but many of my Blogger friends asked me to tell them when it was completed!!
And PLEASE help me spread the word and the music!!
Beautifully said. I am going to post soon about deliverance - the word my son, the returned prodigal, uses for his experience in the last 18 months. I am working on it in my mind and hope to have it ready soon.
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