This is my friend, Janine. A sister in Christ without a doubt.
God has brought so many wonderful women into my life. I am grateful that he introduced me to this woman when he did. She serves alongside me on our team at church, she's been there for me as a friend, and plainly, when I share with her...she just GETS IT.
J, has shown her strength and tenderness in our friendship and I am very blessed to have her in my life.
Father, I praise you for this woman
I thank you for my friend
For one who understands
For one who's patient with me
Lord, you call the shots
And you brought us together
For a time such as this
To serve you
To love and honor you
Dear One, you are good
For in me, love abounds for my kind friend, Janine
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up again. --Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
What a sweet tribute to your friend! Isn't it amazing how God place people together?!
Pedro - these are beautiful words. Thank you also for your kindness towards Janine. She is without a doubt a beautiful soul.
Shenna - Yes! God is so generous!
Yeah, I guess she is pretty cool ;) Janine you are DA BOMB!!
I am deeply moved as a witness of your friendship. You both are so wise! What wonderful Godly women you are and I am so gracious that you get to live out your life together and your ministry together. You are quite the dynamic dual, making a difference in this world in Jesus' name.
Friend, I am honored. I too praise God for our friendship, knowing that is not about me, but about the One who is in me. God has brought us together for a purpose, like you said "for such a time as this". I am thankful for the times we've shared, the tears, the confessions, the giggling, the laughter! Thank you for accepting me just as I am, thank you for loving me and standing by me. You "get me" too.
Tina- You rock as well :-) Thank you for your sweet words.
Pedro- Thank you for you attention and caring words towards my friend Danielle. I admire how you can have such insight into people whose lives you know little about. Even from a distance, thank you for your friendship.
Love you guys! J
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