(by Guest Blogger: TiNA)
Coincidence: A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.
Thank you dictionary.com, but I don't believe in coincidences. I am changing the definition to "God-structured" moments.
God's timing is perfect! I can look back over my life thus far and see these "coincidence" moments. Was it a coincidence that my current roommate and I, who used to live by ourselves, both needed to find a new place to live at the same time. Was it accidental that we were in the same small group and shared the same prayer request. How strange it was that Danielle's heart had been moved to want to rent a room in her house when it looked like I was going to go a couple of months without housing. And... that she mentioned it to my future roommate. It is also amazing that we all get along and do not get on each other's nerves.
But... I guess I was just lucky... or maybe it was God.
I choose God.
God sees the bigger picture. In Mere Christianity, CS Lewis describes how God and humans view time like that of an author and the character in the story. God the author knows the ending. He knows how and when to set in motion events that will effect the bigger picture. Where we are like the character in the story. We only know the past and present. We do not know the end or what is going on with other characters to create that jaw-dropping climax and conclusion. A suspense book is not suspenseful to the author, just those who don't know the end. (Must read that chapter in the book, because I butchered it. Mere Christianity, book iv, chapter 3, Time and Beyond)
I praise God for the song that plays on the radio that you "really needed to hear today"
Friends that out of the blue say the tough stuff you needed to hear
Pastors that prepare and preach that whole sermon just for me, even though there are tons more listening
The cards/emails of encouragement right when I need it
The hug of a friend when I was feeling down (but they didn't know)
The buddy that logs onto IM the moment I was wondering how they were doing
Meeting my beautiful nieces after 9 months of waiting and not knowing what they were going to look like

Please comment on other moments that were so "God-structured" that only He can be given the glory!
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Tina - it is NO COINCIDENCE that you came to live with me and Forrest. NO COINCIDENCE you love God as much as I. NO COINCIDENCE you love Guitar Hero as much as Forrest. NO COINCIDENCE we will serve Rwanda and God side by side.
Yup, it's a God-thing.
It is no coincidence that I moved to Orange County and began attending SB church. I moved here from CO in pursuit of a sinful relationship, but God knew all along, this church is where I would find the most amazing recovery program and begin my long journey of healing... It is no coincidence I met Tina D. far before I began recovery (my sponsor) when Tina B. and I went to volunteer for CR! But God only knew how important her helping hands would be to me in my life of pain and brokeness. Thankyou Jesus for the awesome way you take care of our every need!
God is in every detail of our lives & we are the Hands & Feet of Jesus on earth, to reach out & touch those around us. What a lovely post!
my friend Jeremy says that God moves the universe so that we meet those we are to meet...I like that!
Danielle, it is no coincidence that I happened onto your site, it is no coincidence that I am a single mom, it is no coincidence that I will be in Africa some day, it is no coincidence that I will be serving single moms, it is no coincidence that my daughter's name is Deanna, and the list goes on and on. It has to be a God thing.
Way cool!
Who loves you, baby! Go Tina!
That everything falls down around me (morals, ethics, standards), yet I am still standing tall. Praise God.
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