I'm 2 weeks into my 40 Days and I have to say that God has been constantly on my heart. My problems didn't go away. My life remained the same. But I feel more connected to God than ever. Father, thank you for creating me in your image. Thank you for creating me so that you could love me and teach me your ways.
This morning I am just plainly praising God. I'm praising God for being bigger than little ole' me. Without God in my life, I'd be no where.
Lord, thank you for being the gracious Father than you are
God, you are Awesome
And this life wouldn't be a life without you
And this heart wouldn't be full with joy without you
These words are written for my risen Savior
These praises all for the One in Heaven who pursued my heart
for so many years and finally caught me!
Your love refreshes my spirit
Your love refreshes my soul
Friends, I pray you are praising God in your hearts this morning. If you are burnt out and need refreshement, go before him and honor him. He wants to know you. He longs to be in a 2-way relationship with you. I'd like to leave you with this encouragement,
It's who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself--Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration. John 4:23-24 (MSG)
This reminded me of something Rick Warren said in his Father's Say sermon. "You can't let God down... because you aren't holding Him up." God is so much bigger than me! And I am so glad He is!
You gotta keep singin', you gotta keep praisin' His name....
Amen! What an awesome post! God is Greater!!
I sat down this morning and just told God that I don't know what to do. I don't feel worship, I don't feel adoration, in fact I feel a little spent when it comes to me and God right now. I went to the computer hoping to find some sort of encouraging word or verse and searched and searched with not success. I'm about ready to leave my office and I remembered that I wanted to check your praise for today. The verses you posted almost made me cry. That's exactly what I needed. That's exactly what God wants from me. God is honored when I tell him that I'm not going to sit down and have a "devotional time" because it will be fake. He is honored that I am myself and that I tell him honestly how I feel. It's in that honesty that he will meet me and send me to your blog. :-) I have adoration for God this morning because he is not offended by my honesty and does not look down on me when I don't want to read the Bible or talk to him because if feels fake. I adore him because he met me and spoke to me. I'm so glad I love a God who pursues me and will not be contained in a "quiet time" box.
ok, i read the verses and i was deeply moved and then when I read what gina wrote, I was even more so. WOW! how is it that we both needed to hear these things today and we both came here today? "those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship". how many times do I try to come before God like everything is ok when I know it's not?
this is the first time I've commented here, but I've been following along in your 40 days of praise. thank you so much for sharing your thankful heart with us, danielle. thank you, God for this message and reminder today.
WOW!!! Thank you for sharing Gina!!
Today at prayer spent time just basking in that unfailing love that poured over us....wow. Something about the spoken word of praise that catches His attention, the grateful, the craving heart.....mmm, sweet blog today...I don't want the 40 days to end
Tina - so very very true!
Shenna - MercyMe rocks! Thanks!
J's Gigi & Steve - muchos gracias!
Gina - your comments touched my heart this morning when I read them. I'm going through some stuff too...I'm just praising God, praising God. It's all I can do and with my heart turned towards the Lord, I'm making it through. I pray your heart is facing Him as well as I know He is looking directly at you now and always.
Janiners - welcome welcome!
Diana - again, thank you for the kind words you pour out upon me. Blessings to you. Our praises will never end!
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