I have begun a new job and wonder if it has been somehow placed in my path to distract me. The days are long and I feel very tired. I have not had the energy this week to visit many of your blogs to read and comment. I am praising with you though.
I took off from work today for a few hours and headed to my church. Chris Tomlin was playing. So I took off my heels and stood barefoot in our worship center and jumped and shouted and worshipped. This was a special blessing. T'was the perfect way to end day 12 of these 40 Days of Praise. : )
Its hard to make quiet times in the midst of a busy workworld. Sometimes I work 15 hours a day, but I try to remember in the morning to give God the day, to ask Him to bring or only allow what is in His will. And then I pray as I go.....then sometimes I am stopped by Him and His presence overwhelms me and I bask in Him. Life on earth ebbs and flows - He knows we gotta live (like jobs!). My pastor gave the best sermon - about this life being like the life in the womb before birth - we are there in the dark, waiting, being prepared for the next life to come.......now we are in that life, but it is another phase waiting for the next life to come - the one where we can be immersed in His presence all the time, silly in the weighteness of His presence ---- hang on, gal! He'll bring you to an oasis now & then, just like He bought me to your blog - its an oasis.
Your gracious encouragement warms me this morning as I read this. How often I forget to look beyond this life. I talk to God throughout the day...but with the busy elements at work, it is tough to hear...then at night, He is with me, speaking to me. Reminding me to hang on...as you have! Thank you friend!
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