A rose in the rain is still just as lovely. Sometimes, even more lovely. I know that when we think of roses, we don't imagine rain falling down on them but we accept as a fact of life that upon every living thing, a little rain must fall.
My friend shares her testimony this evening. In the life of this rose, rain fell. For a time in her life, it fell and fell and fell. It nearly swept her away yet for the love and mercy of the Lord.
Father, thank you for this rose. And for the rain. Thank you for making her strong and giving her the means to survive.
God, you are lovely and you are good. Protect your rose tonight as she shares.
Would like to hear that testimony! Need it right now!
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. matt 5:45...
Father let you spirit lead...
I would love to hear the testimony. Kevin has finished his Part 6 and I'll be doing mine tonight, most likely. Talk about rain falling and falling and falling! But it finally hit some fertile soul and produced a beautiful crop.
mhmmm....my sis is also that rose that has rain and more rain falling on her.
It's encouraging to hear your friend is stronger and has come through!
If you think of it, remember my sis.
Thank you my friend, for you prayer. But most of all, for your smile of encouragement as I shared. It was conforting to see your familiar smile as I spoke in front of all those people. You are precious!
What a beautiful post...and prayer!
Praise the Lord...
Heading for Georgia - Kev and I finished Part VII just in time, if you're interested.
Have a blessed week-end!!
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