We thank you, O God!
We give our thanks because you are near.
People everywhere tell of your mighty miracles.
God says, "At the time I have planned,
I will bring justice against the wicked.
When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil,
I am the one who keeps its foundations firm." Pslam 75:1-3
Lord, this evening I give my thanks to you for I know you are near.
I'm up again at 3am with thoughts running through my head. Mostly, I'm excited about a short trip I'll be taking out of town with my company. I knew that I needed to be up by 5am and I'm suddenly a bit wired and can't sleep at all.
You guessed it. I'm gonna make some tea and write.
I spent time with Radford in the Redwoods this week. He took this beautiful picture of a tree we discovered in the forest. It isn't a Redwood but it grew near to them beneath their tall lovely trunks of red. When I looked up at this tree, I saw the cross. Do you?
I learned that the life of a Redwood tree can span some 2000 years. How amazing and long-suffering these trees are. They've survived the earth through generations, their roots planted in the rich Northern California soil. And yet, their root system is surprisingly shallow, going only six feet deep, whereas the tree itself can grow up to 370-something feet tall in height. Wow, that's quite a foundation. What trust these roots have in their foundation!
Hmmm. I believe I'd like to be MORE like a Redwood. I'd love to be so bold as to keep my root system light. Forget going deep into what this world offers me...I want to grow UP UP UP...closer to my King. And yet, I'm always tempted into believing other things will create a lasting foundation for me. And this keeps me as a little tree. My growth, stumped by the distractions of life.
Real freedom is in a life fully devoted to Jesus Christ.
When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: "Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic. Luke 9:3
Lord, thank you for being my foundation firm
Father, I want to grow up up up towards you
to break through the fog of this world
to grow strong in you
to grow tall in you
God, you are so awesome
Lord, you made the Redwoods
and you made me
with something in mind
and I love you for this
Lord, I can't wait to see where I'll be
in 2000 years
or tomorrow
because I know you'll be with me
watching me grow
tending to me always...
:) just what I needed....
i love that picture and the "cashmere sweater comment"
What a wonderful picture! What wonderful thoughts. You are very blessed with the ability to put words together beautifully.
Ah, a photographer and a writer - good combo. Beautiful photo - yes, I see the cross! And green, my favorite color of life - verdant, rich hues of greens. That must have been a really beautiful day!
I LOVE this post. Bravo! That definitely looks like a cross, and so fitting with your blog about it.
I've visited the Redwoods before. I think everyone should. It is incredible. I am in awe of God's creativity. They make you feel so small. Just as we are so small in the grand scheme of things, yet so important and loved in God's eyes.
Great post Danielle. Love it!
Trees have taught me so much about 'being' and so much about God... thank you for sharing what you have seen and known in the presence of such beauty.
Am lOving your blog n da Inspirational pieces
Kip it up
I absolutely love this post. It's my favorite. I love the picture. I love the - everything about it. I have a thing for trees and I have always wanted to see the redwoods. I know someday I will. When I do I'll think about your words here. I may even print them out and take them with me. Yes! I especially like that you posted the picure of this tree and not a redwood.
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