Friends, it's day 40.
This is my last entry of my 40 Days of Praise. A lot of things happened during this time and I've got to say that keeping my heart focused on the Cross has made an incredible difference in my relationship with God.
During the last 40 Days of my life I left one job and began another. I watched my dear friend suffer as her 14 year old cousin passed away after a painful battle with cancer. I comforted my son after his friend committed suicide. I completed my application to go on board as staff at my church. I had lunch and reconciled with an old friend whom I had not seen or spoken to in 3 years. I have laughed more. Cried less. I have fallen in love with Jesus Christ all over again.
I praise God for my life today. It came to mind recently that I am ready to meet God at any time because I am living in every moment. I am fully alive - completely reconciled with my humanity and God's divinity. This conviction comes from my intimate relationship with God. Knowing I am loved by God has changed my life. I humbly ask that God would use me to spread Christ's message of love. If nothing else, I pray my life would sing unto only God.
Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love (one another) like that. --Ephesians 5:1-2
OK same comment as in the last post, but fitting here too:
I praise God for 40 Days of Praise!! What a difference it has made in my life and what a preparation it has been for my soul. Thank you for being obedient and sharing your praises with the world. Now let's go share ourselves.
Also... a Great Pic of you!!!
What a ride it has been. Thanks for challenging us to be praisers, no matter what the circumstances. I praise God for you Danielle, for the inspiration you are in my life and the example you are for others. I'll miss 40 Days of praise, but I also hope that more than a campaign, it will become a lifestyle for all of us. Love ya
Oh Danielle, that verse is awesome, I'm going to have to remember that one.
I love where you are at. I feel your pain and your joy and your excitement, and its so cool to watch a sister in Christ grow more in love with our Savior.
"Jesus, lover of my soul, Jesus, I will never let you go...."
Thank you for your faithfulness - you are an inspiration and your journey speaks of God's presence in every moment. Fully present, fully alive - yes!!!
Mmm... thanks for sharing, Danielle. Sounds like you've been through a lot lately and that God is proving faithful. It does make a huge difference where your focus is, doesn't it?
Have a great trip and come back to tell us all about your adventures.
Oh, and nice glasses, by the way. Very hip.
What a lovely journey of praise! Thank you for sharing with us.
It has been great to see what you have been inspired to praise. It has been a great journey. Thank you.
I'm so sorry these are ending. The post today was humbling to me, I cried. Leaving these posts is kinda like leaving Costa Rica, a part of me is changed, and I will long for that Praise like I long for a return to Costa Rica! He sure meets us in Praise!
What next? A travelogue, missionlogue of the upcoming trip?
God bless D!
Good work!
Thank you so much for sharing 40 days of Praise with us. This has been a very blessed 40 days. And I can't believe it's over. Believe me when I say I plan on still including purely praise entries in my blog here and there. Inspirational!
Danielle, like everyone else in the blogging world (or so it seems), I want to thank you for your 40 Days of Praise. It was an inspiration for me in a very real way, to start my own, and each entry was also a new inspiration to me as I came to visit your blog every so often. Your heart for Christ is a huge encouragement to me.
What a ride...THANK YOU for initiating it.
I think I cried more but the tears were definitely cleansing.....
After having just spent this last weekend in a prayer room and having an incredible experience of praise and supplication, I have to say reading your 40 days of praise certainly did help me prepare. I loved it. Although I mostly lurked. Thank you for your steadfastness. You inspire me.
Thank you, and missing you, are you OK?
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