My neighbor's son is 3 years old. He came up to me the other day and without notice, threw his arms around my legs and hugged me. It's been a long time since I received such an innocent and spontaneous gesture. His passionate emotion found its way from his heart into his arms and without hesitation he was soon hanging on me. I felt his pure motivation to joyfulness.
Friends, that hug felt so good.
It's been a long time since I held a child who trusted me. I mean, we can pick up kids and put them down, coo over babies, try and have a chat with a stubborn kid. But honestly, connecting with a child who trusts you brings about something in me I can hardly put to words.
Do you suppose God feels this way about us?
My sister's youngest daughter is very, what I'd call, "huggy." She enjoyed sitting with me and stroking my hair while I visited her this last May. Again, this interaction brought joy to my heart. But I am not around to see this child grow. I get letters. I get pictures. But those hugs. Nothing replaces them. That physical touch, it's powerful. And how I miss it.
Today I praise God for being in every detail of my life. I imagine the Father God who loves me and delights in my trust in him. I praise the One who coos over me and chats with me when I am stubborn. I praise the kind Creator who longs for the surrender of my senses...who waits to enjoy what comes from my heart and passes through me without motivation for his approval, without motivation to just be obedient...with only the desire to express joy in the pure manner in which I was created to display such lavish emotion.
Lord, thank you for being in every detail. For creating these pangs in my heart to know you more.
Thank you for offering me instances where I can feel more deeply my own creation for your pleasure.
Hi, I seen you visited my blog, so I thought I'd check yours out. It was funny cause I thought well maybe I'll be able to minister to her and instead you've ministered to me. Thanks. Brenda
I love this post!
There is something in a hug, isn't there? It can make you feel so much better if you are down, or even if you are not, it feels so good - if it is a sincere hug that is.
Did you draw this picture? Cuz that's pretty darn good!
I miss my grandkids so much - and the hugs are so much a part of that. Such sweetness - and lack of guile - just pure joy expressed in that hug! I pray that I will be aware of everything as coming from God, (because everything good does) even in the little every day things, that I sometimes miss because I am "word centered" - thank you for bringing me back to the Creator!
The sheer power of touch...it is amazing...so "God"...:) How he desires to touch and be touched...
love the post on kisses...and the pics were awesome!
Also read back to your post on Thassiana...I had read her story before in blogland. I know her life is purposed in God. Praying for her and her family.
nice post, d. i had one of those hugs the other week at church. it's a touch that is foreign to me when it comes from kids that i barely know, but it's such a blessing, it truly is.
This reminded me of the day I went to my ex-boss’ house the other day, just two days after losing my job. We were in the living room chatting when his youngest son climbed on the couch, gave a hug and kiss and said "I love you". In such a difficult moment in my life, that child ministered to me with his love. I wanted to cry, he was so spontaneous sweet. I praise God for children, for their innocence and unpretentious love.
Hey Brenda - thanks for stopping by...I couldn't help but visit your blog...I love your user name!
Shenna - nope. Didn't draw this picture but I dig it as well! : )
Diana - oh the power of a HUG!!!!
Jada's Gigi - indeed, my friend!
Kevin - how could any of us resist a hug from a child!? Sweet story, thank you friend. :)
Janine - friend, I can only imagine what that must have meant to you right now during this time in your life. God IS good!!
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