Hey Everyone,
Happy 2007. My son and I just arrived home from Manchester. We were in England visiting my sister for the holidays. I hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday!
We stayed in Manchester the last 3 nights. It was good fun and a chance for my son and I to spend some one on one time together.
I'm pretty dern excited about 2007. There is something about a "new year" that gets me going. 2006 was awesome and so blessed. Here is my top 10 list of blessings for 2006.
1) My son came to live with me full time (hey, it doesn't matter that he's back at his dad's...this was STILL by far the most awesome thing to happen to me in 2006 and it is at the top of my list!!)
2) I went on staff at my church. : ) Thank you, Lord!
3) I traveled to Rwanda on a mission of P.E.A.C.E. with some awesome Christian sisters of mine!
4) I got to see my sister TWICE in England this year!! God, you are GOOD!
5) My relationship with my father was incredibly strengthened!
6) I began a new contract and made some very awesome new friends!
7) I stopped leading a small group - Lord, THANK YOU for this well-needed rest
8) My blog gained the attention of lots of cool new readers and I made some terrific blogger buddies!!!
9) I began (and finished) 40 Days of Praise for our awesome Lord!
10) I gave my testimony in public
Father-God, you are AWESOME!! Thank you for making 2006 the best year EVER!!
What's at the top of YOUR list for 2006 Blessings??
You had a blessed year and 2007 will be better.
Peace, Craig
Wow! 2006 was quite a year for you. But 2007 is going to be better! I tied up some loose ends with my parents this year too and it is a good thing. Your 40 days of praise really blessed me this year. Thank you for that. Happy New Year!
The love of friends and family through some very serious trials would have to be at the top of my list.
Being part of the jv youth group would have to be another.
My job is a blessing - they are so flexible with me.
Finding a new blog friend - Danielle!
Knowing Him is always a blessing.
Thanks for giving me some thoughts to ponder.
Happy New Year - God bless!
Happy New Year
One of my brothers lives in Manchester! I wish I'd have known you were going - I'd have given you his number - ;)
The top of my list is the return of my son, healthy, happy, delivered, a new creature in Christ.
Your blog is beautiful as is your heart for our Lord....I asked God to surround me with "more of him", which led me to you...Blessings to you for 2007.
Hello! My Aunt Dawn sent me your way! I was wondering to what capacity you are familiar with Celebrate Recovery? We just began it in our church in August and I am one of the leaders. I've been sober for nearly 4 years now. Your blog is so inspiring! It's always nice to connect with another CR person!
That's so cool that you were just in England. I'm tentatively planning a trip there in the spring, and can't wait=:)
Great list! I am here from hermajesty's Throne where someone listed you as a good read!
Mary, mom to many
What a great post! Thank you for sharing your year with us, and being such an inspiration! Not only that, but your blog inspired me to give my thanks to a great year in my own blog.....
Gosh, I haven't checked your blog in a while. Here is my top 10 events:
10- Moved and got a roommate.
9- Had my heart broken.
8- Went to Europe for the first time. Went to Europe for the second time.
7- Went on my first missions trip, to Rwanda.
6- My small group celebrated 2 years anniversary.
5- Lost my job.
4- Thassiana met Jesus.
3- Went to Brazil, twice.
2- Got two new jobs.
1- Fell in Love again.
It's all good at end. God is great.
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