Janine reminded me of how it was that I would know Tina.
Janine reminded me of how it was that we would be heading to Rwanda together.
Thassiana is Janine's cousin. This child has been suffering from advanced stages of Meduloblastoma. As I post these words, Thassia sleeps in an induced coma. Her pain is so great that doctors had to do something to ease her suffering.
I ask why God allows ones to suffer. I ask God why children suffer.
I feel convicted it was Thassiana's purpose in life that her illness would bring Janine and I together. Then, shortly afterwards, bring Tina and I together. And then Gina. I feel convicted that Thassiana is the reason we head to Rwanda.
The story goes that Janine decided to take time off from her life to return to Brazil to spend time with Thassiana. She gave up her apartment and went without pay in order to do this. It was during that time I met Janine and I recall praying intently about whether or not I should offer my spare room to her. I had not lived with a roommate in nearly 10 years but I had a spare room. Janine placed her things in storage but introduced me to Tina who co-hosted her small group. Tina moved in and we hit it off immediately and she became like family to me and Forrest.
And you know, one thing lead to another. But this chain of events...I am crying as I write these words...these events, as Tina says, are no coincidence.
Friends, God is in control of this universe. It belongs to Him. We belong to Him. If you don't completely understand this, my prayers are that you will someday.
Friends, please praise the Life of Thassiana with me this morning. Lift her spirit to our generous Lord in prayer.
Walking down the street, Jesus saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked, "Rabbi, who sinned: this man or his parents, causing him to be born blind?" Jesus said, "You're asking the wrong question. You're looking for someone to blame. There is no such cause and effect here. Look instead for what God can do. John 9:1-3
All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it's not only around us; it's within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We're also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. Romans 8:22-24
Lord, I am waiting to see your face. Let no trial diminish my desire. Let no pain diminish the spirit of my sisters in Christ.
Janine's smile and Thassiana's life touch me deeply this morning.
As I accept life as death- pain- joy- suffering - hello - goodbye, and many more, I also praise Him for the Janine's love to her niece.
Thank you Janine for blessing my life with your niece's story.
May God heal, comfort and hold Thassiana in his arms and May He let us know that life on this earth is short, but eternity is not!
With much love.
Thank you for sharing such a story, and such blessed scripture. With you, I lift up the life of Tina to God as well. Obviously her purpose here on earth is great to have been given the burdened body that she has. Your words of her have blessed me today more than you know.
Danielle, thank you so much for this beautiful post. It made me cry, not only because it reminded me of her suffering, but to know that there are so many people out there praying for her, so many people that care about Thassiana. Also, that God uses suffering for blessings. Through Thassiana's illness, me, my family and so many other people have learned valuable lessons, and received so many blessings. Thanks for being a part of it, of our story.
Love you much
I´m Janine´s sister and I was with Thassi last saturday night, when she was still awake and even smilling and sending kisses. She is so brave and she doesn´t fear anything. I praise God for that, for making her so strong!
It is rare, but I am speechless. God, You are in control. We love and praise You. Thank you for Thassi... for her life, her cousin, and her God.
I am no longer speechless. :)
Mari got me thinking. The last time Janine talked with Thassiana, Thassi gave Janine a kiss over the phone. There are so many stories in the Bible where a kiss is the action that started a rush of emotion and the fulliment of God's plans.
In Genesis 45:15 Joseph forgave and accepted his brothers again with a kiss. God greatly blessed this family.
In 1 Samuel 10:1 Samuel started the line of kings by kissing Saul's head. From the kings would come Jesus.
Judas started the chain of events that brought us salvation with a kiss.
How precious a gift that kiss is to Janine that Thassiana gave. And all the kisses she so freely gave her family and friends. What a way to communicate God's love and her love to those she loved.
Let's also learn from Thassi how to greet each other and love each other as we are told so many times in Scripture with a holy kiss.
Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace to all of you who are in Christ. 1 Peter 5:14
Thank you for this post. Flesh & blood can sometimes fail & falter in the midst of a storm. I think that the induced coma for Thassiana, to get a break from the pain, is a merciful solution.
Wow, just seeing this post today.. couple days late. I join in the praise for Thassiana's life. I hadn't thought about how her sickness had brought the Rwanda team together. God's ways are mysterious, and no, we don't understand the suffering that people endure in this lifetime. But it's wonderful to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our Father in Heaven is a just God, and what bewilders us in this life will be clear one day. Thankyou God for the blessings you've brought about through Thassiana's life. Envelope she and Janine's family with your love, strength and comfort now more than ever!
Thank you all for praying for Thassiana.
Thassiana was an angel
on earth, she was a
great example to all of us.
God's presence is ever
beside,and near as the
reach of your hand. He
knows your heart and
will hold you tight
during this time. He will
continue to bless you and
your family.
Let love and faithfulness
never leave you...
Proverbs 3:3
Thank you all who have been praying for Thassiana. She passed away yesterday, July 25th. She feels no pain now, she is with the father. We are the ones who suffer, we miss her, but the good memories we have and the hope of seeing her again in heaven keep us going.
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