These are my sisters in Christ. I love them with all my heart and my heart is full of praise and thanks for the One who brought us together. I don't know where my life would be without these 3 ladies. Just as Tina said on Monday, there are no "coincidences." My meeting these gals was planned by God and I'm ever-grateful.
Ladies, I love you. I am so blessed to be serving in Rwanda alongside you.
Father in Heaven, I praise you.
Lord, thank you for these women
Thank you for their precious hearts
which they so humbly turned towards mine
Thank you for Tina's laughter
For Gina's spirit
For Janine's strength
Thank you for their collective courage
God, you knew just what I needed
No spiritual comment - except what a beautiful woman you are.
Oh Danielle! What would we do without you! You keep us focused on what is most important- Our Relationship with God. My life would be so boring with out you all (sorry I am from the south... make that y'all).
What a good looking bunch! Praise God for sisters in Christ!
Tell us more about Rwanda!
I enjoy visiting your blog, experiencing His presence. - The Lord inhabits the praises of His people!
God bless!
Praying for all of you......and Rwanda.....and thanking Him that you prodded initiated this praising!!
What a blessing good friends are!!
Awww... Danielle, I love you too! I also feel truly blessed to be able to experience Africa with you! Thankyou for the life talks. I praise God for your godly witness in my life!
I too, Danielle, feel so blessed to have met the three of you. Now that I come to think of it, Thassiana is the reason why you came into our lives. I needed to go to Brazil to see Thassiana, Tina needed a temporary place to stay while I was gone, and you needed a temporary rommate. Tina mention Rwanda to you and here we go. God is so awesome, how He can orchestrate everything for His glory. He does not leave any details undone, and there are no such things as coincidences (quoting you and Tina here). I am so excited for what the future will bring for the four of us. I love you!
Janine - I cried tonight as I read your words. Thassi is the reason we are here now. Her illness lead us to the circumstances we all are in now. We head to Rwanda for her soul. For her spirit.
Her pain is not wasted, my friend. And I pray her suffering and yours ends soon.
I want to mention...and perhaps I will post more on this later that I first heard of Rwanda the night I was rebaptized. It was incredible to hear of the love and support our church had extended to those suffering. I prayed for God to take me to Rwanda...but I didn't know how. And here we are. God is amazing.
Praise the Lord for the sisters in Christ! May the Lord bless you and the sisters while visiting those in Rwanda.
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