Hi Friends,
Yea - I'm only on Blogger now and then these days...check me out maybe on MYSPACE. Shoot me an email and I'll send you back the address.
MYSPACE - sad, isn't it? But I love it, strange place that it is. Been focusing a lot on my relationship with Radford that we are generally burning up the phone lines in the evenings instead of me sitting at my computer alone, writing.
God is good.
I'm a born-writer - sure. But being in love has had its benefits. We got engaged 2 weeks ago. These photos are of me on the day he proposed. One is of me on the Northern Coast of California. The other, in a Pinot Noir vineyard near his home. Near what will be my home next year. What a trip.
I left ministry (as an on-staff person) at my church last Easter. I didn't blog too much about it at the time feeling highly conflicted in my decision. I focused on weekly counseling, spending more quality time with my father whom I had reconcilled with 2 years ago and spending time with Radford and his sons in Northern California. God blessed every moment of it.
It was really tough to do something for myself and not for others but I can see how spending more "me" time has spilled over into the far corners of my life. I am still madly in love with God but am getting to know Him more intimately. His grace, His awesome power, His love.
So I will be leaving Southern California in 3 months to embark on a new adventure. I'll keep ya'll posted!
I love this woman. She is and has always been so devoted to Christ. I am so honored by her devotion to me and my (soon to be our) kids. I love her writing. I will encourage her to continue the rest of the days of our life. I know it is important to her and a great way for her to express her love of Christ and her hearts desire. I am sorry that I have stolen all of her beautiful expressiveness from you for the moment.
I am so freakin excited for you!!! more details please. Was this a surprise? did you know he was doing it that particular weekend or did it catch you off guard?
SOOOO Happy for you. God IS good... all the time... He loves you and wants nothing but the very best for His children!
I am on myspace as well... we will have to meet up on there!
Hey - Congratulations! Try to keep us posted more than once every 3 or 4 months, okay?
You all are awesome. I'm a stinker for not writing more often. I'll give it a shot!
Congratulations! Yes, being in love is an awesome thing. But don't go away from us - I don't want to venture into Myspace, so hope you let us know what's going on once in awhile.
Good things in store! God is good.
Happy New Year! Hope 2008 is all that you pray for it to be!
Hi there! You look so beautiful and happy in the photos! Love from the Father AND being in love! What a glow!
Reading Radford's comment has made tears spring from my eyes. Please do keep posting occasionally for those of us living in less than ideal situations lest we become too cynical and never believe in love again.
You look great, and blooming I might add. You were so wise to take this slowly, to get the counseling - to set a strong, firm foundation.
Yay. I too am so excited and happy for you.
Congratulations, Danielle.
Happy for you and best wishes as you begin your new journey.
lp in NC
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