100 Confessions - Food
I just got this idea from Shenna...
1) I used to break the heads off of my chocolate Easter Bunnies and dip them in Peanut Butter
2) I very frequently stole my younger sister's Halloween Candy and then lied about it
3) I have eaten fish eyeballs...
4) ...and I think they're not-so-bad
5) I have not eaten red meat, pork or chicken for 14 years
6) I make killer enchiladas
7) I eat Oreos by opening them up and eating the cream center first...
8) ...sometimes I throw the Oreo cookie part away entirely
9) I like extra butter on my movie popcorn
10) I prefer dry roasted peanuts to honey roasted
11) I can't stop eating Chex Mix once I start
12) I love Indian food
13) I love Thai food
14) I love Japanese food (I am not referring to just sushi)
15) My grandma's favorite dish of mine was baked tomatoes with bread crumbs and cinnamon
16) I am addicted to carbs
17) My favorite fast food is probably Taco Bell, but I don't lie that it is pretty disgusting and bad for me
18) Sardines in olive oil are pretty good on white toast
20) I miss drinking wine
21) I love Mexican food (Sonora style is my most favorite, Baja style second favorite)
22) I was naive and thought Costa Rican food would taste like Mexican food
23) I saw Vin Disel in L.A. when I first went for Dim Sum
24) If I had my own restaurant it would be a diner and open all night
25) I don't know how to BBQ
26) ...I can't say that I am interested in learning how to BBQ which is odd because I do like learning new things
27) Janine's banana cake is the best banana-anything I have ever eaten
28) I am very picky about tomatoes but that is because I love them so
29) I like the lip gloss that smells like cola - because I really like cola - Diet Coke, most notably
30) I spent 6 years attending the local Hare Krishna temple each week because they had the most killer vegetarian food around
31) I used to hang out in another vegetarian restaurant led by fanatical Buddhists whose spiritual leader was a woman and they had televisions all around showing her giving speeches or modeling in fashion shows. She was very much like a revered ,Chinese Oprah. The food was absolutely amazing.
32) When I walked home from school as a kid, I ate berries from the neighbor’s bushes.
33) My sister did too.
34) I love homemade soup.
35) I still miss Tom’s cooking.
36) I am looking forward to my brother in law’s cooking this Christmas
37) Right now, I have a See’s Candies catalog in my bathroom that I’ve been browsing through for a week now (this was hard to admit...)
38) I love well-made cheesecake
39) I am excited by flambe dishes
40) I don’t cook to relax, I go out
41) I have three kinds of ice cream in my freeze at the moment: pumpkin, strawberry, mint oreo cookie
42) My favorite ice cream is currently Haagen Dazs Strawberry Cheesecake, only sold in their stores
43) I used to work in a Mexican Restaurant. I never ate the food there.
44) My favorite classy restaurant is French, very tiny and very secluded.
45) When I get upset, I loose my appetite
46) My mom dated a lot when I was a kid. She always brought half her dinner home for me and my sister.
47) My mom was broke when I was a kid and always shopped very carefully for food.
48) My mom made me a pink cake when I turned 11
49) My mom made the most killer jello
50) I make pretty killer jello now, according to my son
51) One day I will make dinner for my husband
52) One day I will make desert for my husband
53) If I don’t have coffee in the mornings, I get cranky even though I really don’t mean to
54) My grandfather loved to take me for clam chowder down by the ocean when I was a kid
55) I am glad that I really loved Sushi after I first tried it
56) I don’t watch television - ever - but when I did a few years back, I liked Food Network because everyone was happy
57) My friends in Rwanda fed me as though I were a queen. I felt so blessed, so honored.
58) Chips and salsa are to be shared with friends.
59) I used to eat out of the neighbor’s trash cans when I was a kid - not because my mother didn’t feed me but because I was terribly curious
60) I don’t like fruit for desert
61) I am really looking forward to spending Thanksgiving this year at my church helping host a dinner for single parent families
62) I’m kinda getting sick of pizza
63) Even though I don’t eat meat, I really like the taste of BBQ sauce
64) When I meet Jesus, I’m going to ask how he fed a crowd of 5000 with a kid’s lunch
65) I will not go to bed hungry tonight, but many will
66) It bothers me when people say EXPRESSO
67) My sister makes a seriously mean cup of tea
68) Canters in L.A. is one of my favorite restaurants of all time
69) I have eaten in one of Emeril Lagasse’s restaurants - it was okay
70) Vegetarian chorizo is worth trying once
71) Don’t tell me tofu dogs don’t taste like hot dogs, like DUH!
72) TiNA never cooked for me when she lived here
73) TiNA cooked for me last weekend before church and it was quite tasty
74) I always liked how Wallace and Gromit were passionate about cheese
75) Nothing replaces pie and hot coffee at 3am
76) I make good fried eggs
77) If you don’t serve bread with my grandpa’s meal, he gets sad
78) I used to make homemade peach cobbler with the peaches from the branches of my neighbor’s tree that came into my yard
79) I ate lunch in a restaurant alone today...
80) ...I didn’t mind
81) I believe there is something odd about Americans who freeze part of their wedding cake and then eat it a year later...I don’t mean to offend people when I say this...but am I the only person who thinks this is gross?
82) British Pub food is not so good
83) When my son was small, we ate at a small bistro in Paris and they treated us so well because my son kept exclaiming the food was so delicious. I will never forget those kind people.
84) I used to write a lot of poetry about pancakes
85) Grilled cheese sandwiches bring back some tough memories - but I can't say why
86) No one cuts your sandwhich into triangles unless they love you
87) When you are eating and then you close your mouth and kiss someone with food still in it, you are showing them how joyful your love is for them. It shows you must express your love IN THAT MOMENT! This works well with Italian food.
88) Vegas buffets are over-rated
89) Fresh lime juice is better than bottled
90) Thai mango and sticky rice is to die for
91) When I worked at Baskin Robbins, I got in trouble for making chocolate clown cones with fudge dreadlocks.
92) I taught my son to eat ice cream straight from the container
93) I love any kind of olive
94) Nothing replaces Denny’s
95) My son and I pray together at every meal we share
96) If I feel prayer over food will make others uncomfortable, I toast to God...I hope God understands why I do this. I believe in my heart He does.
97) I like punch but it gives me headaches
98) Steamed clams and oysters with Tabasco take me away...
99) I never say no to a donut
100) When I can’t sleep, I drink hot tea...and I write.
I loved #91!
Also we have in common - I spent a wee bit of time with the Krishnas - as you said - the FOOD. But greeting the Swami at the Airport with all the dancing and chanting was way too embarrasing. And I was a complete heathen, so celibacy wasn't appealing either. God forgive me.
This was a fun way to get to know you - hhhmmmmm - Sea's candy review on the potty? I stick with Oprah. :)
#17 is my not so secret confession as well, #27 made me run out of my room and tell Janine she HAD to read the post, #37 is one of the funniest things you have ever written, #58 is an eternal truth, #73 thank you, #74 ... I love how this came after a comment about me, #87 it TMI, #100 I am so glad you do so that we can join you in that moment. I love ya, girl!!
# 27 is probably the best compliment I have ever gotten, so thank you. You can come over for banana cake anytime.
You are so creative. Just one of the reasons we love ya.
What a great idea for a post!!! I totally looooove food... I'll be back to digest this later..
1. I like SweetTarts can't figure it out to this day.
When I pray over food, I keep my eyes open and look at everyone at the table and let them know that I am thankful to share this meal with them.
Now I'm hungry
I have to agree with you about eating alone - I rather enjoy it actually, with a good book. The wedding cake thing - it never really works! Grilled cheese sandwiches are a happy memory for me - my husband used to fix them and tomato soup for me after church on Sunday night when we were dating, while we watched Mannix - fun memory!
Now I'm REALLY hungry!
My attention span is too short to read all that. But it bugs me when people say EXpresso too. And I make amazing spaghetti sauce, if I do say so myself.
This was fun to read. I agree with the whole wedding cake thing. It is gross. I have a brother who was/is (?) a Hare Krishna but he doesn't cook worth beans. Don't you think it's amazing that people who may not even know you will take the time to read something like this? I do, but I find it fascinating.
Diana - how did I KNOW you would laugh at 91?
Little i - #58 is dedicated to the Umuzungo Girls!
J - Banana cake ROCKS (as do you...)
Gracie - yes...with 100 confessions...it is hardly bite-sized! ; )
Craig - SweetTarts are awesome. I enjoyed your comments about prayer.
Becky - glad you enjoyed this!
Dawn - this is such a sweet story about you and your husband. Thank you.
Robin - you're back??? Thanks for making it partially through the list!
Candy - I am glad someone agrees with me about the cake thing. And thanks for reading. : )
Thanks everyone for reading my confessions!!!
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