This post is inspired by an email Gina sent around about a week ago. It was one of those emails where you answer questions so people can get to know a bit more about you. One of the questions went something like, "when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?" I wanted to be many things. What sticks out most in my mind is that I wanted to be a comedian, a minister (inspired by my grandfather) and a writer.
Just wondering what YOU wanted to be. And if you like, let me know what you are doing now.
Please comment!
I always wanted to be an artist and maybe fashion designer. I am back into art work (see my gallery on the post) - BUT I just don't have all the time I want in order to do it. I've this compulsive thing that everything must be done and perfect before I'm allowed to sit down and do it - wierd! Anyway, you are a very very good writer!
I wanted to be a missionary singer. I am a little of both. So I guess I am fulfilling my dreams.
Hey Danielle,
I like your site...nice change and soothing compared to motorcycles all the time. I think I will come back to get my "mellow-outness"!
My God given dream at the age of 15 was to become a missionary, At first it was surrounded by children in Haiti and now has turned into Africa. I have not gone yet, but I will be going hopefully in the next year or two.
My flesh dream was to become a Medical Researcher to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. Didn't quite make it that far, but I am a Laboratory Technologist. This dream is what brought me to where I am today, and I am truly blessed by God. The pieces of the picture are starting to come together day by day. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hey girl:
Did you ever know that I wanted to be a singer first, then a lawyer later on in life?? I also wanted to be a mommy, so one out of three certainly isn't bad :).
I'll respond to your e-mail when kids are napping later on today.
Love ya,
Hum, I wanted to be a singer, a dancer, a poet and then a portuguese teacher. Today I don't do much of anything :-( I regret not pursuing my artistic aspirations more diligently when I was a kid, but then again, I didn't know any better, and neither did my parents. Now I just want to be a mom, but that is not looking any good either. No man in sight!
I wanted to be a rock star, a cartoonist, and... that's about it. Now I'm not a rock star but I do play around with music sometimes. I'm not drawing comic books proffessionally but I do have an online strip. I'm also a missionary which has to be a God thing because it definitely wasn't part of my plans. Ever.
Hey, if you were a pastor, you could be all those... write your sermon with a little humor! :)
i wanted to be a writer.
I wanted to be a pediatric nurse in the ob/gyn (cuz I love babies so much).
I turned out to be a customer service rep.
I wanted to be a nurse... a songwriter... and a mum (aka mom)... after I became a nurse I wished I'd become a doctor instead but then decided that more study would be incompatible with starting a family... so now I'm a mum/nurse/and a singer/songwriter!!!
I always played mommy, secretary, teacher, and missionary. I have become all except missionary, but am very involved in missions.
I guess there is a man is sight now, hehe.
Diana - YOU ARE an artist, last I checked!!!!!! A crazy-cool one at that!
Tina - mmm. You are both, my dear. You rock.
Kt did - I DIG your site, gotta keep going back because seeing your photos always makes me smile. And, I think I'm ready for a motorcycle now! ; )
Raema - wow, these are amazing dreams. It is wonderful how God uses our hearts desires to work in us.
Tab - Wow, this is news to me. A lawyer? You woulda been a great one. A mommy? You are THE TOPS - that's all I can say!!!
Janine - I would like to see some of your artistic abilities creep out now and then...how 'bout it??
Robin - I've heard your tunes via your sight, you rock even if you're not any official rocker! And, your cartoon art blows my mind! Great images!
T- hmmm...maybe one day I'll have a hubby who needs help with a sermon....errhh...do you hear this God? heeeeeheee, thanks, T.
Jo - me 2. So, God Bless blogs. Now is are chance!
Shenna - I didn't know what you did before but this is cool to know now. You are so kind that I bet you're an excellent rep!
Gracie - I would love to hear some of your songs. our poetry gives me the chills...you are very gifted, my long distance friend!
Dawn - I think blogging can be our mission! Look how many people we've reached and encouraged who live far away!
Janine - no comment...but I DID write you your own lil' poem... ; )
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