Each reaching and aspiration is an instinct with which all nature consists and cooperates and therefore it is not in vain. But alas! each relaxing and desperation is an instinct too. Thoreau On Man & Nature
Friends, I look back on my last few posts. In my mind, I think, "stuff's just going nowhere..."
It isn't writer's block as much as it is me drawing in a deep breath and doing some thinking and a lot of praying. The last few months were pretty hectic for me. I have felt hugely underappreciated in some very personal areas of my life. I feel very second-hand lately. I feel like someone's last thought. My patience with others is thin. I am fearful to write because I sound pretty sour grapes right now.
From deep within my heart, I've been reaching...my aspirations hugely instinctive. My desperation an instinct too. Thank you Henry D.
I suppose that's why there is God. Because I certainly can't go through this alone.
Waves; ebbing and flowing. Trust turning to mistrust. Comfort to discomfort. And yet, mistrust in some areas has turned to trust. Discomfort to comfort. I am not so blind that I don't see.
"God is fair and just;
He corrects the misdirected,
Sends them in the right direction."--Psalm 25:8
"Bring me back from gray exile,
put a fresh wind in my sails." --Psalm 51:12
I am not as strong as some would suppose. My intellect, my heart, my ability to listen and comfort...it feels lately like it's been sucked dry. I feel resentment. I holdfast to the Lord. I seek the Cross. Father, why am I still so distraught in my heart? I try to remind myself - place these burdens on the Lord - my shoulders are too weak.
It's a season, some say.
It's a phase.
These are attacks.
Is God on the move again in my life? I'm venturing to say yes. And tough as this is for me right now, prayers are being answered right now. And while some of the bad fruit falls from the shaking tree, I've only to hang on. Hang tight to God.
"When life gets really difficult,
don't jump to the conclusion that
God isn't on the job.
Instead, be glad that you are in
the very thick of what Christ experienced.
This is a spiritual refining process,
with glory just around the corner." --1 Peter 4:12-13
Then, hey, hallelujah and amen. I feel the tides changing.
I know Jesus hurt too. This comforts me.
I just gotta ask tonight, do you think he said ouch?
Your honesty opens the door for this friend to enter and stand by you.
On the count of three, we'll shout it together:
you write from the heart and THAT is appreciated.....that draws me here....thanks for your continued honesty.....the journey is much better for me when I know I am not alone....and coming here shows me I'm not
You write so beautifully. I am very disgusted with myself right now and you expressed some of my feelings better than I could have ever done. I have been checking this week, but somehow missed this update. Thank you for coming back for at least this one post.
I reading of the last weekof Jesus' life shows pain unimagineable and on every front. This is a God Who know suffering. Sometimes it is okay to scream (er, usually into a pillow or the neighbors call the police).
"This is a spiritual refining process,
with glory just around the corner"
just around the corner!if i know there is an end to sufferingthen i can hang on!
my devotion today was on patient suffering and the unexplainable joy that God can give through it.
okay, so if we have to suffer patiently, then please,Lord Jesus, give us joy!
I just think He might of said ouch! I think some of us are in the places you're in...I feel actually pretty desolate, but not without Him, but I would rather be waltzing in His arms than hanging onto the hem of His garment.
I was pondering this week why sometimes we have to go through things so utterly alone - oh gosh -it just popped in my head - "that we might partake [just a little} in His sufferings?" Dear Heaven. That for sure means HE KNOWS, He is our hero, our Prince Charming, the one who knows our hearts beyond all, our everything, sigh...
its ok to groan, heavens, the Bible is full of it, isn't it? We're only human......even the earth, all of creation groans with us!
Yes, your writing is absolutely beautiful...
Yes he said ouch girl! He cried tears of pain, remember? But we have a hope in our God above.
I'm always a little encouraged when I go through a trial, because I know God is making me stronger, and he has a plan for me!
Lifting you in prayer today. As I reflect on this very fact, I am amazed at how the Lord can unite believers across the country (who have never physcially met) to encourage and uplift one another in prayer. God even uses the internet to build up his church body!!
I love and appreciate you my sister in Christ!
Praise Jesus, He know's our every thought, He know's our every pain. Can you imagine trying to do life without Him, without Him to say ouch with us.
Keeping you in my prayers.
Thank you all for your comments and great encouragement! It is comforting to know that we all feel discouragement and wrestle in our journies.
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