I'm hoping this post will get some comments. This is something I've been thinking about recently. It has to do with me being a Jesus Freak.
I am ON FIRE for God. And I love my role in leadership. I'm willing to sacrifice my personal comfort to serve God. But I think sometimes I've "lost touch" with the rest of the world. After I blasted the Clash on Sunday I realized, girl, how LONG HAS IT BEEN since you cut loose? And I'm not saying "cut loose" from God. I'm saying, just explored who you were, who you are? And the whole scene begged a deeper question...is being "on FIRE for GOD, 24/7" too much?
It is no accident that I am who I am. I don't want to live in a bubble. I don't want to be a shiny, happy person. What a WASTE. I want to be REAL. But I need to know, what is REAL? Real is not wordly. I'd like to think that real means I'm APPROACHABLE, HONEST, OPEN.
I have died to Christ. I have died and will die again and again, my life a continual surrender. But I wonder if I've gone too far to put myself out of touch with sides of myself that, frankly, I used to dig. I think I used to be interesting...
I meet with the new singles pastor tomorrow. I still have to wait to climb on board at my church. But I think I'll seek his guidance on this.
If you have something to share, please post.
That word combined w/RISK EVERYTHING......
Don't think for a moment that the words of many of the Clash's song were not about justice and truth. Don't think that the "anger and the power" that moved them to write and you to dance ins't a work of the Spirit. The reality that you ned to "cut loose" is an indication that you need to lose.
Don't foregt, Jesus danced.
Being on Fire for the Man is what life is About! Dont think for one single moment that it isnt. The Devils biggest tool is planting in us the thought that following Christ 24/7 makes us "miss out" on life... It is deception. I am on fire and live my life for Christ and I still cut loose and have fun... It actually frees me up more. I guess it really depends what you idea of "cutting loose" is
Isn't it a wonderful thing to be on FIRE for the Lord? Don't let anything get in your way of that.
-From one Jesus Freak to another
"I'd like to think that real means I'm APPROACHABLE, HONEST, OPEN."
I echo that sentiment, Danielle. Jesus needs us to be real, and real examples of His love to all kinds of people that come across our path.
Don't let the enemy cause you to doubt your identity in Christ.
b.s. (who happens to dig the Clash himself.) :)
Becky - YOU BET...Risk it all...take a walk on the water.
Rick - wise words. Yes, yes...God is moving through all of us.
Steve - My idea of cutting loose is probably "RELAXING" and just being ME and not as concerned about how others will view me.
Here's an example of something...my son has this shirt that says "Damn it's good to be a hamster"...
I have asked him to not wear it because I feel that in his current role of leadership, some kid might see the word "Damn" and think all the other "words" are okay too. I caution my son to not offend anyone.
So, this is kinda where I'm at. Don't wanna offend anyone...but how realistic is THAT? Jesus went around offending everyone!!
I continue to be a work in progress...
But I will play some LOUD music tonight to knock m'self back into shape!!!
Thanks for these posts fellow bloggers!!!
Hey Kevin...thanks! The Clash...timeless beauty I'd say!!
no advice.. just some encouragement perhaps...God is in control!
plus I can't believe you have a pic of Little Marcy!!! I had that record when I was a kid and my parents still play it to my kids!!! hahaha
glad I found your blog :)
Wow Gracie, nice call. Little Marcy she is. I had to actually look this up. I wasn't sure who the doll was but she just looked like me and looked like a Jesus Freak! I was inspired!
Wow! A visitor from Australia? Welcome!
Funny that you mention this, because my EX-boyfriend just accused me of living in a buble, a Christian buble, and I started questioning everything. Am I isolating myself, working at church, serving at church, hanging out with church people all the time, eating christian food (just kidding). But are we going too far? And how wordly can we get without compromising our walk? I think the Christian buble is safe, and nice, and I will stay inside until God tells me to step out.
I say, Jesus didn't hide and neither should we. It is SAFE to live inside our bubble. I feel God is pressing me to RISK. To witness to those who do not yet know Him.
We can't always get people to come to church but we can go out, into the community and spend time loving on them.
Where is God in our fears?
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