God never lets me down. I say this again. God N-E-V-E-R lets me down.
"I can always count on you--
God, my dependable love." Psalm 59:17 (MSG)
There is much pain in my surrender to the Lord. But it is the kind of pain that a child would face when holding onto a half-eaten cookie that's being pulled from her grimy hands 20 minutes before dinner.
I have crumbs on my face, my eyes are red and wet and puffy and I am determined not to let go. (And by the way, I've dropped this cookie into the dirt at least half a dozen times only to anxiously throw myself upon it and snatch it right back up...)
"Because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." Hebrews 12:6 (NIV)
There is nothing we could do to make God love us any more or any less. Nothing. But often it is tough for us pea-minded creatures to understand this. His unconditional, beautiful, beautiful love for us. I rest in the knowledge that God beckons my surrender. I FEEL him pulling on my cookie. He's not gonna pull me flat on my face but he's tugging. I can feel the tug of his love in my life these days. An ever-present reminder that he's lookin' out for me.
It's so cool when you can sense God is moving in your life.
Let go and let God sister!
True true true... And hey, I just noticed you linked to my blog -- Thanks! I'll have to return the favour when I get my links set up again.
Shenna - I love that cheer..."Let Go! Let God!" Amen, sister!
Robin - Yes, Pearls Before Swine is certainly link-worthy. I am enjoying your journey as well.
What a picture...thanks for letting me see it...I've lived it that's for sure but to see it...a gift sister...a GIFT...
Becky, glad you enjoyed the picture. I just dig around for stuff and inspiration happens. I don't know who the child is in this picture but the sweetness of it spoke to me.
Thank you, friend, for continuing to read and contribute such kind comments.
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