Okay, I have to admit something. I had NO IDEA what a "praise report" was until I kept hearing friends at church use the term. For those of you who don't know...a praise report is a report or a story of something you want to share and also say at the same time "Praise God!" Like a Christian "woo-hoo!" Praise reports, when you've got one to tell, are very very cool. So here's mine tonight...
Things with my father are going very well. We have had many deep and meaningful conversations since we first talked again back at Christmastime. He's in a different place these days. I am too. It feels great. Just really great to talk to him and learn more about who he is. He seems to have less anger in his heart these days. I do too. And that has made a difference.
The next thing is that my son is with me tonight. I'm not interested in "keeping score" when it comes to how many nights he's with his father or how many nights he's with me...I just love to have him here with me. My heart feels good.
My son told me a couple nights ago that he doesn't want to waste his life. I asked him: what would you do with your life if you knew you couldn't fail. If you knew God would empower you to be successful. And he said immediately, "I'd go on a mission."
Hmmm. I still don't think he is going with me this summer...but I know it is in my son's heart to follow God. He is just that kind of kid. And when I hear him talk about things like this I praise God for the people in our lives who care so much about us. And I thank God for giving me a son with an awareness of how precious life is.
"No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, it is put on a lampstand to give light to all who enter the room." Luke 11:33 (NLT)
Woot Woot at least that's what my kids say....God is doing amazing stuff in and around you....what a cool thing to actually SEE IT and Praise Him for it...hmmm maybe I should try that!! THanks for the cool and timely reminder.
Thank you for your support! Let's continue to praise Him this week!
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