We're entering a season of greatness.
Know you are loved. Know you are forgiven. Understand, to the depths that you are most able, that God's grace is sufficient.
...to the depths that you are most able...
...because we can SAY we understand.
...but can we ACT like it? Can we live the anointed life God has gifted us?
In 2007, are you ready to Jump?
For the last few months, I've been asking myself the same question.
There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests--look at how many scoundrel preachers where approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular."--Luke 6:26
Your task is to be true, not popular.
MY task is to be true, not popular.
There have been a few obstacles lately...distractions...things that SUCK (can I just say this?). But I'm not backing down.
God's love is never-ending, far-reaching, all-encompassing.
This is love.
it's a freefall... trust...
Being true.... ah... what an awesome thought. Like faith, it is difficult, God never said life in this world would be easy, but as His children, He will see us through and mold us and shape us into His image. Thank you for the much needed reminder.
Thanks I NEEDED this this morning....I so soooo soo want approval and affirmation from people (popularity) and while I knew that this morning I don't think I KNEW it all the way down...don't think I knew it and maybe will ever know it in a way that wrecks me.....but I'm not backing down either...THANKS!
popularity.... attention....want it with the world....want it in the church.... am jealous when other people are given the limelight and attention. be true not popular.... i needed to hear that!
I miss you friend, where have you been?
I'm not ready for 2007. I'm afraid of what is ahead.
This is all I needed to hear today. Thank you friend, even from distance and when I can't talk to you in person, you can still tell me exactly what I need to hear. 2007 will rock! Looking forwad to seeing the great things God will do in your life.
Oh, what a prophetic word for me. Well I pray the "suckiness" ends for you and you have days of sunshine and surprises from God around every corner that make you smile!
Hey Friends - YES - let's do it - let's JUMP in 2007!!
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